On the western side of gorodische of ancient Plisnesk, in a valley among the forests, theа monastery of Rank Saint Vasiliy Great is hidden. It is one of well known in the regionа cloisters of monkhood in Ukraine, which is wrapped with glory of princely origin. The fate of this old abode, its foundation, beginnings of its activity, is related to the ancient town of Plisnesk, which is mentioned in old chronicles.
1180. Time of foundation of Plisnesk monastery, which later began to be called the monastery of A memorial tablePidgirtsy. The first minster, and actually monastery, was built by Princess Helena on a south-east suburb of ancient town of Plisnesk.
The proper text of memorial table which is embedded into the wall of nowadays Minster (in 1700) confirms this historical fact.
1241 (January). аThe princelyа town of Plisnesk Ц an important defensive, handicraft, trading and cultural center of the region Ц was destroyed by the Mongolian and Tatar horde.
Only The church built by the princess Helen was saved. And this church аstood to 1706 year.
June in 1583. аThe revival of a monastery in Plisnesk by a monk whose name was Zosima.


The second half of the XVI century - the first half of the XVII century. The first founder of the anew revived monastery was Ukrainian noble family of Danilovichiv, the family manor of which was Oleskiy zamok, that was in a few kilometers from Pidgirtsy.
1659 - 1665. Development of monastic life is in the monastery in Plisnesk. Church, new monastic cells, several economic buildings, were built here, and a monastery was led around with a defensive wall. By thatа there were more than 20 monks in a monastery.
1664. On territory of monastery a new churchа was built.
1672 (August). During the large hike of Turks on Ukraine one of the detachments of Tatars brought to ruin a monastery.
1691. The new wooden church was built. The wood was given a present on Its construction by the habitant of a village of Sukhodoli - by Michael Demkovich.
1692. The other church was built in a monastery. Then Evstakhiy Voznyakevich presented the icon of our Lady to a monastery.
on April, 14 in 1694. On the basis of materials of the Spiritual commission of veracity of miraculous actionsа a bishop Yosif Shumlyanskiy proclaimedа the deed icon of Divine Mother beneficial - Miraculous.
on April, 17 in 1694. Miraculous icon of Divine Mother with participation of very plenty of people, clergy and monks was carried to a monastery in Pidgirtsy.
1699 - 1772. Further development of monastic life is in the monastery in Plisnesk. There were 29 monks by then. The abode in Pidgirtsy became one of leading monastic cells, among 129 Vasilian monasteries.
1706 (July).а The old Minster which was built by a princess Helena halted the existence.
а1708. built a stone bell tower which has 25 bells was built in a monastery.

а1717. The new wooden church was built in a monastery.
1726. Conflagration in a monastery, as a result of which burned out wooden churches, bell tower, partly monastic cells, and also monasterial library-archive.
Icюnostasis1726 Ц 1754. Building of modern Minster of Virgin Maria, building of which lasted long, and was mainly completed by 1750 year. But finishing and artistically - decorative works proceeded practically to 1759 year. Building of the church shows by itself sight of baroque architecture of the Western Ukrainian School of the XVIII th century.
1754 - 1759. Making and establishment of large iconostasis. An old baroque iconostasis is a prominent sight of the Ukrainian cultural art of the second half of the XVII century.
70 Ц 80th of the XVIII century. A philosophical studio operated in a monastery. Monasterial library in obedience to the registers of books, counted in 1699 74 volumes of the various handwritten and printing books аin Ukrainian, Polish, Latin, Greek languages (accordingly, in 1705 -а
155 volumes, in 1730 -а 199, in 1782 - 279 volumes, in 1804 - 445 volumes, among them there were 16 manuscripts of the XVI - XVII centuries ). Exceptа religious this library contained books on philosophy, general history, domestic history, histories of Church, natural history, jurisprudence, military business,


polemic literature and others, and also many enough various collections. It is necessary also to notice A new churchthat among them there were a lot of rare and valuable books.
1782 - 1888. Attempt of liquidation of Pidgirtsy monastery during church reforms of austrian government of king Joseph II. The threat of A memorial tableliquidation of monastery succeeded to be removed only due to labor of monks in the church of Golubitsya.
1861 (March).а The monks of the monastery in Pigirtsi were the first in Ukraine to honour a memory of Taras Shevchenko subsequent to his death. Text of memorial table which is mounted in the wall of minster testifies about it.
1946 (March Ц May). Liquidation of the monastery. Arrests, deportation of monks of this monastery occurred very often.
On Augusts, 3 in 1960. Closingа of Minster inа Plisnesk,а The apartment of church of Virgin Maria was regenerate on composition for the necessities of the regional sanatorium. Figure of Divine Mother which stood in a court near a church, was found in the nearby forest.
On Decembers, 24 in 1989. First after opening of Minster, a High Mass was conducted on Christmas. A monastery in Plisnesk revived again.

On April, 7 in 1991. The icon of Divine Mother, after a few decades of the forced absence returned to the main altar of Minster.
1990 - 1994. The major repairs began after the revival of the monastery.
1995 - 2004. By efforts of abbots ofа Vladimir Virsta,а Theodor Pilyavskiy,а Grigory Bardak, аStepan Romanik,а Romana Shelepko,а Nazariy Lekh and brothers of Rank and habitants ofа Pidgirtsyа Gates-bell tower, entrance gates, were built.
1998 - 1999. Restoration of icon of Divine Mother was conducted.
2000 (August). The book about a monastery was printed.



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